Lassen Sie sich inspirieren

Eine Art Storytelling auf Bayerisch. Kleine ein­hei­mische Episo­den, mensch­lich, be­son­ders, be­deut­sam. Geschichten, die der All­tag macht. All­täg­liches, das Geschichte macht.


Youtful, Italian and located at the heart of Europe

So you know Regensburg, either first-hand or from pictures: St. Peter’s Cathedral, the Stone Bridge … and you are so enamored with it that it’s almost a little embarrassing. Because at what point is a place so lovely it’s just cheesy? Also, everybody and their uncle seems to love the town on the bank of the Danube.


Golfregion Oberpfalz


Four clubs, one big event for all golfers: If you want to treat yourself to a few days off, and really put your driver, putter, and irons to work, you’ll enjoy the Golfer’s Eldorado Neumarkt, which also offers plenty of other regional enjoyment. The clubs in Habsberg, Hilzhofen, Herrnhof and Lauterhofen stand for athletic challenges, a professional ambience, and warm hospitality. Located amidst an idyllic scenery, it offers charming views between the tee and the green, top-notch hospitality, and a competition on four different courses with lots of fun and great prizes. This is what the “Golfdorado” between Nuremberg and Regensburg is all about.