

This is the region where superintendent Kluftinger fights crime - the tough but fair star of Allgäu crime thrillers that top bestseller lists around the country. Swabia’s greatest asset is its vibrant landscape and the region is still known above all for winter sports. The landscape of the Allgäu region actually has much more to it than that. It also boasts wide, open valleys, gentle rolling hills, spectacular mountains, shimmering brooks, rivers and lakes, as well as picturesque and historical places. The perfect place to be active or to simply relax. On the other hand, the Fugger city of Augsburg, the urban heart of Swabia, is home to residents who have something no one else in Germany has - their very own public holiday. Every year on August 8th, Augsburg’s Hohe Friedensfest takes place – and that’s when the motto is: closed for business today.

Almanac in Berchtesgaden
Almanac in Berchtesgaden
Augsburg historic center
Augsburg historic center
Perlachturm and Basilika St. Ulrich and Afra in Augsburg
Perlachturm and Basilika St. Ulrich and Afra in Augsburg
Fuggersiedlung: Mit wildem Wein bewachsene Häuser in Augsburgs historischer Sozialsiedlung
Fuggersiedlung: Mit wildem Wein bewachsene Häuser in Augsburgs historischer Sozialsiedlung

Sehenswürdigkeiten und Golfclubs in der Region