Eight regions,
eight characteristics

Seven regions with seven unique characters – a journey through a land which reveals a new side of itself around each and every bend. Craggy rock faces along with gentle flood plains, world heritage sites along with courtyard concerts, refined members’ golf along with short courses open to the public

Golf region

Lower Franconia

The home of scientists, sculptors, basketballers and some of Germanys most beautiful golfcourses.

Golf region

Upper Franconia

The combination of landscape and culture with wide-ranging variety from Götterdämmerung to golf – although northern Bavaria is not as well-known as the South, it is just as picturesque.

Golf region

Central Franconia

In the middle of the golf off-season, when in many places both golfers and tourists take a break for the winter, that’s when the heart of Central Franconia shines brightest. Nuremberg's legendary Christkindlmarkt opens to the public, attracting nearly two million visitors.

Golf region

Upper Palatinate

One man visiting from China wrote “The best thing I saw in Germany” on the Internet, though it remains unknown how long he had spent in Germany and which sights were on his itinerary. 

Golf region


This is the region where superintendent Kluftinger fights crime - the tough but fair star of Allgäu crime thrillers that top bestseller lists around the country. Swabia’s greatest asset is its vibrant landscape and the region is still known above all for winter sports. 

Golf region

Lower Bavaria

It is said that Lower Bavarians are reserved, but also liberal - no one is made to feel under any obligation. The Lower Bavarian is also peace-loving - one who tends more towards melancholy than a quick-temper. 

Golf region

Upper Bavaria

The Passion Plays, the Andechs Monastery, Lüftlmalerei (fresco painting), the Blue Rider art movement, Zugspitze, the Five Lakes District, the Linderhof – the list is endless. It’s hard to decide where to stop first.

Golf region


Many consider Munich to be the largest village in the state – which is by no means meant to be disrespectful. On the contrary, this is much more a term of endearment and admiration.